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Tulisan Hati ♥

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 ♥
RAHSIA ♥ 10:19 AM


Memicit atau memegang hidung
Tidak mudah tertipu dan sangat berwaspada dlm apa juga tindakan yang
Seorang yang pemalu dan sukar utk berkongsi rahsia besar dgn org lain
kecuali org yang benar2 dipercayai.

Meletak tangan pada bahu kawan
Suka ikut kepala sendiri
Pentingkan diri sendiri
Teman yang sangat mengambil berat dan prihatin terhadap masalah yang
dihadapi oleh teman2 rapat

Bermain dgn tangannya
Mempunyai tahap humor yang tinggi
Pandai berjenaka
Bersikap terbuka dan dapat menerima kritikan atau pandangan org lain
tanpa ambil hati
Jenis open minded

Mematahkan jari jemarinya
Seorang yang gugup dan kurang yakin utk berbicara dgn org lain
Baik hati dan sedia membantu sesiapa saja

Menggigit kuku
Gugup dan gementar bila berbicara
Agak tertutup dalam membicarakan rahsia hati

Memintal hujung rambut
Suka berkhayal
Sukar diperdayakan
Keras kepala

Menongkat dagu
Pendengar yang setia dan rahsia akan selamat ditangannya
Suka mendengar masalah teman2
Setia dlm persahabatan

Suka letakkan tangan atas meja
Happy go lucky dan pandai menyesuaikan diri
Suka bergantung pada orang lain

Menggosok 2 telapak tangan
Ramah dan berfikiran matang
Suka berterus terang dan tidak suka ckap berbelit2
Muudah memahami perasaan org lain dan suka membantu

Memutar cincin
sangat menepati janji
berhati2 dlm tutur kata
gemar hidup yang teratur

Otak ♥ 10:06 AM


Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk menguji keunikan tubuh badan kita, di antara keunikan itu sudah tentulah otak manusia. Di bawah ini ada ujian yang menarik untuk dicuba bersama…
Ini adalah ujian masa yang ringkas, cuma lakukan
dan jangan cuba menipu diri anda sendiri
Kira jumlah huruf F’s dalam perenggan dibawah
dalam masa 15 saat:


Dah selesai?
Scroll kebawah hanya apabila anda telah selesai

berapa banyak?
Tiga? (Anda tentunya seorang lelaki!!!)
Sila baca sekali lagi!


Salah, sebenarnya terdapat 6, kira semula…
Sebab berlakunya perkara tersebut diterangkan
dibawah ini…

Otak LELAKI tidak memproses perkataan “OF”.
Keajaiban kejadian atau silap mata?
Sesiapa yang dapat mengira kesemua 6 F’s pada
permulaan ujian memiliki otak PEREMPUAN.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 ♥
♥ 12:18 PM


Day after Days,
Night after Night,

The world moves as I stay still.
Staring at my plain dark bedroom wall.

Mother knocks on my door, but I feel too numb to answer
She cries, but I motionlessly don't answer.

I lie on my bed,
Screaming in my head.

Pain forever with me never leaving.
It goes with me everywhere.

Like my shadow,
Constantly there.

Now my sister turning into darkness.
She will before long be just like her brother.

And mother will soon give in.
The echo of glass breaking,

The sound of my mother screaming,
And me still emotionless as I lay.

The doors are slamming.
More glasses breaking.

And me just falling,
With no delay.

Now the house grows dark.
Only the noise of the wind and the crickets grows.

And for me I have now been swallowed by the darkness.
And all my fears have come true.

Quote ♥ 11:58 AM

Just a word

Assalamualaikum wbt..

dear fellows..
welcome to my page..
if u dont like what i have published..
get out from here..

well.. if u have noticed..
i dont put any comment box..
hmm.. it is because i dont need all the comment..
what i wrote was what i feel..
yeah sure u can drop ur opinion..
but that wont do at this particular moment..

i just love to share tips n tricks to those who needs it..
i will keep updating new info from time to time..

Love ; AinDiyana

Make up ♥ 11:53 AM

Make Up Tips & Tricks

While cosmetics are something that many women can't live without, others like keep it natural. Whether you're a young or mature woman, these free tips are for those who want their face looks fine..

Remember, make-up is a great beauty enhancer, but you need to remove it every night and let your skin breathe .so you don't end up with clogged pores and blemishes. Here you'll find free make up tips and tricks to give you a stunning look for both casual and formal occasions.

1. Foundation

2. Eye Make up

3. Lips


♥ 11:33 AM

Berhadapan dengan Kawan Yang sedang marah

bagaimana nak berhadapan dengan kawan kita yang sedang marah? here are some tips for you..

1. Apabila dia sedang marah, jangan menambahkan lagi kemarahan nya.. sebaliknya berdiam diri sahaja.. dan dengar apa yang dia cuba sampai kan.. sudah tentu perkara tersebut sangat serius bagi nya...kalau tidak mengapa dia sanggup membuang masa untuk menambahkan tekanan bagi dirinya..

2. Selalu nya mereka yang meninggikan suara ni mahu kan perhatian.. sebab itu mereka marah-marah kerana mahu di dengari .. jadi.. dengar sahaja lah leteran mereka itu dengan tenang..

3. Mungkin ada kata-kata nya yang menyakitkan hati.. sabar sahaja lah.. tidak perlu menyampuk.. kita perlu jadi professional dan matang.. dengan menjadi seperti dia dengan terpekik2 akan memburuk lagi keadaan..

4. Suai kan kedudukan anda dengan dia.. jika dia duduk..anda duduk.. jika dia berdiri..anda berdiri..

5. apabila dia sudah habis bercakap... masa tu baru anda bersuara dan nyatakan pendapat anda..

6. Jangan letakkan kesalahan itu di atas dia seorang sebaliknya berkongsi lah beban tersebut.. sekadar menyedapkan telinga dan hatinya sahaja..

7. apabila sudah nampak wajah kesedaran atau ketenangan pada kawan anda tu.. peluk lah dia dan usap2 belakang badannya...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 ♥
Love ♥ 12:25 PM

How To Turn A Friend Into A Lover

1. Dont monopolize the talk.. let him talks more than you..

2. Dont talk about your ex boyfriend's weaknesses..

3. Laugh at his joke.. But in a proper way..

4. Dress as you would for a boyfriend..

5. Yeah you like football.. you know the rules better than him.. but he doesnt need to know that..

6. Good listener..

7. Flirt a lil bit..

8. Cook for him.. :))

9. Be there for him..

10. give him a good body contact..


Monday, January 5, 2009 ♥
Secret Love ♥ 11:49 PM

Secret Love.. If Only You Knew..

I dont know if I should tell you,

Just how I truly feel.

I dont know how you will react,

It will make things seem too real.

The reason behind my smile,

The reason I feel alive,

The reason I feel so amazed,

Just to have you by my side.

Just walking around with you,

Everyone can see,

Just how much I care for you,

And how you feel about me.

I dont know how they know,

I wish that I could see,

Then I would believe,

The words you say to me

I guess I have got to tell you,

I guess you need to know.

I will love you forever,

And I will never let you go.

Things To Do After Breakups ♥ 11:11 PM


some people say that every day love teaches them more than anything they`ve ever learnt in school. i would agree..

especially the part where he broke up with me..

it was July 2008 ..it was cold.. i was just got back from work..
i still remember the moment he ruined my life..

i was left with thousand of questions in my head..wondering what went wrong..
tears accompany me the whole day.. felt so hard to breath..
i left home to take a walk.. hopefully by walking at a lake near my house could
ease my mind..

on my way out later that night.. i stopped by a shop to buy a tissue..
as i waited for a women in front of me done her payment..
the tv's news caught my eyes... it was about an idiot jump from
the upper floor of the mall just because failed in love...

yeahh.. people could kill themselves just because of love..

after that , a whole new world opened up to me..

a world where i felt a wide range of conflicting emotions every single minute..
a world where solace could be found in exercise,liquor,facials,manicures,tv, pedicures n etc .

a world where it was entirely possible to lose 10 kg and then gain 20 kg in another..
but most of all i learnt that i was not alone..
everyone has gone through breakups. it sucks..
at 1st.. its kinda hard to live ur life as usual..

after all, you hv spent everyday for the past eight months sharing waffle and ice cream with ur significant other..you might be lost for what to do on that 1st day when its just you..

so here.. i would like to share to all the girls who had her heart broke a tips about things to do after your break up.. my reference are from my past experience, friends n the book..
"IM FINE" by Mandana Hoveyda...

1. Get up..Go to Work.. CRY...

2. Call ur best friend.. ask her to come over to your house.. n cry in her shoulder..

3. DONT sms him..

4. DONT call him...

5. DONT throw away all his present.. keep them in a box and place them in a place it would not cross your mind to go there..

6. Delete all his sms,email,msg, and CONTACT NUMBER.

7. Ok..so u are ok..(NO YOU ARE NOT) you think you ready to let him know you are over him..( WHICH YOU ARE NOT)..and you could call him and just be friend ( FORGET IT) ..and tell him you are ok..( I SAID FORGET IT!!)

8. Meet new people.. go to a party..or social activities.. make new friends..

9. Shopp till drops!

10. Manicure!

11. Remember.. dont call him! dont sms him! its ok to think about him.. but he doesnt need to know..

12. Write down in a piece of paper..why its the best thing to lose him.. u can write anything bad about him.. maybe he likes to fart in public.. but..but..but..after u write it.. tear it up...
dont ever send it to him...

13.Dont listen to a song which will makes things worse... the only song u need to hear is girl power songs.. i like i will survive gloria gaynor..

14.eat lotsa chocolate..


16. Last But Not least... Pray.. Pray should be on the top.. Coz Allah knows whats the best for us..Everything happens for a reason.. we think with our head..not with our heart..


Nurul.Ain.Diyana ♥
♥ The girl that i used to be

Twenty-two years old
I dont care about being like
What i care is winning

A very random & hyper girl who
is a CrazyLover of Animal and poem♥

Tied down to motivational task & was assigned
to be a part time facilitator - LOL.

Music is definitely part of me.

Singing is my passion tho i ruin the song.

Add me at Myspace - xoxo_ain@yahoo.com
Add me at Tagged - Same email as above
Add me on Facebook - Nuradiyana1901@yahoo.com
i also have YM - xoxo_ain@yahoo.com
This Face Im wearing ♥
♥ Me Myself

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu , dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu , padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." al-baqarah ayat 216

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

is what she adores most.
They are her SuperGirlf.

is part of her life.

Shopping sprees
with her girlfriends are time when they
can crap together.

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Lose weight!
- Skin Of The Day
- Electric blue/red cardigan!
- Litle Miss Sunshine Tee
- I Love My Boyf tee! ♥
- More outings with my girls!
- New pair of shoes & boots
- 170cm tall!
- Holidays!
- Black Eyeliner!
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

My Motivator
My Guidance
My Designer
My Advisor
My Political Advisor
My General View
My Shawl Shop
Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` December 2008 ` January 2009 ` February 2009 ` March 2009 ` April 2009 ` May 2009 ` June 2009 ` August 2009 ` September 2009 ` October 2009 ` November 2009 ` December 2009 ` March 2010
♥ Designer

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